Monday 8 May 2017

Evaluation Question 3 and 4

Evaluation Question 3
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
When creating an advertising campaign for a piece of media (in this case, a film), it is vital to receive audience feedback and research during the development of the film. To achieve this, many film distributors set up and take part in a ‘test screening’ where they show an early cut of the film to a small portion of people to get their reaction. Along with that, various other things like surveys and secondary research take part in this process.
For our project, we used surveys to gather research – our initial research found that teens would be the best audience to target. Along with that, many people seemed to enjoy psychological and ghost horror films – which is what we wanted to set out with in the first place. As a result, our initial ideas actually coincided with the research we conducted and affected our ideas in only a minor way.

Evaluation Question 4
How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?
Throughout our project, we used multiple modern programs and technologies to help create our project. These technologies can be referred to as ‘Web 2.0’ technologies, even though we are progressing into what is known as ‘The Internet of Things’ or ‘Web 3.0’. These technologies greatly assisted us in the production of our content, especially with the Poster, Magazine and Trailer itself.
The following is a list of technologies used:
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier pro, Adobe After Effects, DSLR Cameras, Youtube, Blogger, Flipsnack, Issuu, Prezi, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Tripods, Windows PCs and MACs.
The use of these technologies from Web 2.0 allowed us to produce a tolerable, relatively high quality result even with the use of a low budget. In fact, even those in high budget scenarios use this software to create this content, although the hardware and timescale they use is usually much more advanced and therefore result in a higher quality product. Either way, with the use of these technologies, anyone can create a film and publish it – even for under £100, a person could create a project, develop and plan it, then publish it online and receive revenue from the publishing through the use of Youtube’s Advertisements.
It is now extremely easy to create research, create, promote and distribute any form of media compared to even 10 years ago – the quick advancement of technology allowed me, like many others, to create a piece of media that can be found by many others online, potentially thousands.

Throughout the project I made extensive use of Photoshop – a program I’m extremely experienced with, to help assist my project. Due to this, I have found production on this software relatively easy compared to most who have not used the program before. Regardless, there were new technologies I had to explore and try throughout this. One of them was Premiere Pro – the program used to make the final cut of the trailer. However, due to the linking between the two products (both are created by Adobe), I was able to quickly learn the interface and software due to the similarities between the two programs. As a result, I created a relatively professional looking piece with the next-to-none budget that we were given. In fact, there was no budget at all – this just proves how easy it is for anyone to create a piece of media in the modern age.

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 1

Final Trailer